Cornerstone Summer Orchestra
Rehearsals on Tuesdays from 6:30-8:00pm starting June 4
Full Dress Rehearsal Tuesday, August 27 at 6pm
Concert Friday, August 30 at 7pm
Cornerstone Summer Orchestra is:
a chamber group of musicians (not age restricted) that enjoy playing music together and learning new pieces.
an opportunity to play in an ensemble even if you only play as a hobby
an excellent way to apply principles learned in lessons
a way to keep up your musical skills over the summer break.
What we do:
rehearse once a week over the summer starting in June.
give 2 concerts at the end of summer
1. for the residents of Villas of Hollybrook in Herrin, the Tuesday before the main concert.
2. for the general public, the Friday prior to Labor Day weekend
able to read music and know how to play basic musical passages on your instrument
able and disciplined to practice orchestra music between rehearsals.
able to listen to instruction during rehearsals and apply it to your playing.
1201 S. Giant City Rd
Carbondale, IL 62902